You want to have a new design for an area in your home. You may be wondering, how do I get there from here?
When you envision a project in your minds’ eye, you may have a clear vision, or it may be a vague sense of an image you’ve seen somewhere. Perhaps your saw a photo in a magazine or inspiration came from HGTV.
There is a long road between ideas and reality. It’s almost never as easy as it looks on TV. Design shows dazzle and make it look effortless, and sometimes more simple projects can be installed with ease. Changes in decorating – fresh paint colors, rearranging furniture, and adding accessories transform a room with minimal effort. But if you’re project is beyond the basics, more steps are needed.
Perhaps you want a new kitchen or bathroom. Or are you considering a more extension renovation? You might want to tear down walls and create a more open feeling. One of my personal favorites is adding new windows and doors to connect the inside with the outside. Whatever you’re thinking about, you may be asking yourself, how do I begin?
The first step in every project is to establish your priorities and objectives. This is called the project program, and it’s the point from which every project moves forward. Project specifics may change along the way, but clear goals are a must for a solid and grounded beginning. Without that, the project may become a bit haphazard, possibly leading to unnecessary time delays and budget overruns.
To establish a project program, ask yourself these questions:
Once these priorities are established, the planning process is underway.
Really looking at and understanding the existing space is a necessary and invaluable first step. If changes to the physical layout of the room(s) are likely, it’s a good idea to carefully measure the area and create a floor plan drawing. A plan of the existing space is know as an “as-built” plan. It is an indispensible visual aide and planning tool. Even though you may see and live in the space everyday, that as-built plan is a whole new way of understanding it.
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