The Edenton and Winter Haven wall-hung toilet by Mirabelle is a sleek design and makes cleaning a breeze. Photo credit: Ferguson Enterprises, Inc./ www.ferguson.com
Chromatherapy lights, music, and ergonomic design combine for the ultimate relaxation experience. Photo credit: Ferguson Enterprises, Inc./ www.ferguson.com
The Moen ioDIGITAL™ shower system is easy to use, with intuitive controls that deliver precise flow and consistent water temperature. Photo credit: Ferguson Enterprises, Inc./ www.ferguson.com
A custom frame kit from MirrorMate® can transform the look of your bathroom mirror in minutes. It’s press-on easy! Designer referral- Pat Stockdon, ASID, CID/VA Indesign, Richmond/ www.MirrorMate.com
Custom made basins eliminate grout cleaning and provide a seamless look. Several colors and flexible sizes/ configurations are available. Design and photo: Pat Stockdon, ASID, CID/VA Indesign, Richmond/ Venetian Marble, Inc. Powhatan, VA/ www.venetianmarbleinc.com
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