Continued from Home Is Where The Office Is!
Comfort and good ergonomic design translate into greater productivity and in turn contribute to increased business success. A great task chair is probably the single most important piece of furniture in the space. After your computer, a quality task chair should be the next most expensive item. If your chair is comfortable, efficiency and focus increase simply because more time will be spent in the chair uninterrupted. For reference, a good chair has easily height-adjustable seat and arms, tilts forward and back, and has lumbar support and adjustable tensions.
Lighting is tricky in an office environment, primarily due to competing tasks. Glare is frequently a challenge with computer screens. Although natural light is always desirable, it can cause issues if the computer is positioned where the light reflects onto the screen. Task lighting is essential and can be accomplished with high-intensity desk lamps. The style of any ambient or general lighting (frequently a ceiling fixture) should complement the style in the rest of your home and provide a crisp white light.
Computer, CPU, docking station, monitor, router, modem, printer, fax, scanner, shredder, charging station, UPS, speakers, telephone… the list of electronic devices possibly needed in your office can present a planning overload. Thinking carefully about locating all the devices and how you will use them can save costly future re-dos. It’s likely there is not enough power or outlets to accommodate your requirements. Laptops, wireless devices, and the desire for mobility are on the rise, but this equipment still requires most of the same support configuration.
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