Getting organized and creating a functional and manageable space can make life easier and actually less stressful. While this process does take a commitment and effort, it ultimately saves time day-to-day and is an empowering experience. This can be especially true around the holidays. Check these tips to help you breeze through Thanksgiving and the holiday season.
Cleaning and organizing go hand and hand this time of year. If you’ll be hosting any events, plan your strategy by looking at your home as your guests will. There are likely inside and outside quick fix-ups you’d like done before the holidays.
Think of how your guests will see your home as they arrive and head toward the entrance. Tidy the area from the driveway to the front or rear door, wherever you think your guests will likely enter. This can be as simple as a fast weeding and a bag or two of fresh mulch. For a warm welcome, nothing grabs the eye like colorful mums, pansies, or a unique arrangement of pumpkins and gourds. For speed and simplicity, it’s one easy step to place pre-potted containers along the sidewalk, porch, or near the door.
No surprise, Thanksgiving and other holidays, if you’re the chef, is all about the kitchen. But it’s possibly also about readying the house for guests, and setting a beautiful table. I’m a list maker, so that’s where I always start.
In the kitchen, think about each dish by mentally preparing and serving it, thinking of the steps involved and dishes that may be needed. Pull out your recipes and check the pantry for missing ingredients. Find those pans and measuring spoons that are hiding in the drawer and cabinet. Making a shopping list for the missing items.
For a quick clean, take a large trash bag and start at the front door. Gather up the obvious disposables while moving from room to room. To quickly store items, use another bag or basket in each room, and temporarily dispose of items that can be sorted and put away later. Cleaning obviously gets more involved if you’ll have overnight guests. A pail and some wipes will make a effective first pass. Get the whole house involved and make it fun to see how fast the cleaning can be done!
Above all, keep it simple, start early, and enlist the help of your family, friends, and guests. Most are happy to bring a dish or help in any way you ask. Since I’m hosing the biggest Thanksgiving ever this year, I’m reminding myself it’s about spending time with family and friends, and creating memories to share for a lifetime!
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