Our home in the burbs of Richmond, Virginia, sits in a beautiful and natural setting. We’re lucky that when the development was built around twenty years ago the lots were sized large and the trees were not removed. Much of the area (it’s expansive) is, in essence, a wildlife habitat. We cohabitate with the natives so to speak! This can be good and bad depending on your perspective. I prefer to think of it as good! They were here first after all.
In an area at the rear of the neighborhood there was some coal mining activity back in the day, so there are perhaps a hundred or more acres of natural woodland that are, for practical purposes, unfit for building. There are no mining shafts per se, so it’s safe to explore with the exception of an occasional snake or (OMG) tick! I believe all creatures have a place in nature’s world, but the God forsaken tick- I just can’t see it! I digress… It is a beautiful area and wildlife abounds.
We have done our part over the years to be good stewards of the environment and grow a beautiful garden. Yes, I suppose you could call us nature lovers and tree huggers. Phillip might say- “speak for yourself!”
A gardening plus for our particular piece of land is that the site was not cleared, meaning we have native soil- a rich, dark and fertile loam. Compared with the typical red clay in these parts that has been a lucky break for an obsessive gardener like me. There is a stream nearby and a fair amount of rounded rock in the ground. There is neighborhood theory that some areas were geologically a stream bed. My husband describes the stones as digging “potatoes,” based on the larger size and shape we often find. Not an easy task, but I’ll take the buried stone with the amazing soil any day.
Part of our participation with our little piece of nature includes feeding the birds, and we actively do so year round. Our menu offering includes four types of food and live worms to attract different types of species. Our pond and bird baths are favorite bathing sites for many. As a result, we have an amazing assortment of birds taking residence. This spring, we have had the privilege of watching nature at its finest, as many bird families have made our home theirs as well.
Next post… It’s all for the Birds!
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