I’ve decided- the best place to start is where I am. That would be to tell you about my life, family, home, and garden. Can’t forget our critters. I do love animals.
Phillip is my other half, and has been since I can remember… that’s a long time. We moved from Atlanta, GA to Richmond, VA just after we married and have lived here, to my continuous surprise, ever since. We are blessed with two children, a not so little any more matching pair. They are making their own way now, through with college and “in the real world,” whatever that means.
The empty nest is a nice place to be, and gives us great freedom to enjoy life and pursue many interests and hobbies, as well as focus on business. Life is busy, and I seem to like that way. When things calm down, another interest or endeavor grabs my attention and I pursue a fresh direction. I’m always taking a class, volunteering, taking photos, or seeing friends. And that’s when I’m not working, writing, exercising, meditating, or gardening. I wish there were more hours in each day, or that I could do with a lot less sleep. Time’s-a-wastin!
OUR HOME… It’s a bit more colonial than my personal tastes would prefer, but we do live in RVA after all. Through the years not much imagination was at work around here, but it is definately changing. I describe our interior design as tastefully eclectic, with some fascinating objets d’art.
OUR GARDEN… Our front yard and entrance made it to the cover of Virginia Gardener magazine in September of 2009. I was a proud designer, gardener, photographer, and writer at that moment. The back yard and pond have also been published.
In addition to extensive in-ground plantings, our collection includes loads of container plants- tropicals, seasonals, and bonsai. A few plants are older than our children and have been with me since my college days at the University of Florida.
OUR CRITTERS… We have a house full of critters too- two dogs, three cats, some Koi, an occasionally bunny, a few frogs, and a myriad of birds that visit our feeders. All of our animals are rescues. Meet Codie and Dixie!
That’s the menagerie, the stage, and the current events.
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