In Water, Earth, and Sky, I describe our dream of living on the water − a river, lake, or stream. That hadn’t happened, so we decided to bring the water to us. After designing a basic layout for our pond environment, we hired a company to do the installation and “heavy lifting”, so to speak.
Our water feature consists of a bio-filter upper pond with stack stone wall and waterfalls, a meandering stream with a stone footbridge, and a larger, deeper koi pond with filter and skimmer at the low end. The design takes full advantage of our existing landscape meandering left to right across our backyard and slightly downhill.
Existing deciduous trees were left in place near the waterfalls. This upper pond area is nestled behind these trees with a large boulder anchoring the design. The encircling layered stonework creates the waterfalls, and the exiting stream and lower pond follow the gentle, natural contour of the site. The electrical components, piping, and inner workings are accessible as necessary but cleverly disguised. Even though man-made, the resulting arrangement produces an amazingly natural, harmonious aesthetic.
The wildlife habitats created add a sense of animation and cohesiveness. Song birds love to bathe in our small stream, and several frogs have taken up residence. It’s almost as if the toads pose for us at night along ledges near the waterfalls. Underwater lighting shines along these ledges and into the koi pond, allowing us to enjoy the nighttime entertainment and colorful fish. An occasional dragonfly buzzes in along with butterflies and other insects.
Although a bit daunting at moments, going through the process of installing a water feature was quite an experience, and a lot of fun. I should add that it was not without trepidation. It’s clear there is no turning back when the guys running the big equipment start digging big holes in your yard. As it began to take shape the vision became clear and left no doubts that we had made the right decision. Our enjoyment grows with each passing season.
Next, Flora and Fauna around the pond.
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