Ok, couldn’t help myself but to digress, it’s a passion- a few more words on using outdoor chemicals- insecticides, herbicides, fungicides…
I am a big believer in less is more when it comes to any type of garden chemical use. The problem is- the product most likely has a much broader impact than what it is targeted to correct. For instance, application of insecticide to kill grubs not only kills the grubs, but also kills all the other beneficial and well meaning insect life in your lawn. Earth worms for instance, aerate and provide organic matter in the soil thereby constantly creating a healthier environment for growing grass, or anything else for that matter. Most “problems,” i.e. insects, or garden and lawn diseases are not a big issue and rectify themselves in healthy soil and environmental conditions.
There is some thought that insects and critters are the enemy in your yard. This is a myth as there are many beneficial insects and critters that actually go to war protecting your plants from other harmful insects. Frogs, which are extremely sensitive to their habitat, take care of combating mosquito larvae, bats eat adult mosquitos, etc. All wildlife has a role and place in the environment and in the bigger scheme of things that we can’t see. There is a natural balance and harmony in nature if left to her own devices. It’s important to recognize our role and reduce our impact as much as possible.
To that end, the best time of day for applying any chemical product, especially liquids, is late in the afternoon near dusk. This time of day the birds and critters are going back to where it is they go at night. Therefore, by morning the harmful effects are reduced. As I mentioned previously, so as not to waste your effort and dollars, always check a forecast and don’t apply if there is a potential for rain within 24 hours or so. Follow manufacturers instructions, and wear rubber gloves and protective clothing/ gear as recommended.
I have a vague sense that in the evolution of things- nature, critters, insects, etc. were here first. Humans invaded their world. Let’s be nice and all share it!
http://www.gardensalive.com Gardens Alive actually sells beneficial insects for you garden.
Opps, I took a detour, back to your fall lawn in the next post.
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