Can you smell autumn? It is definitely in the air! I love fall for many reasons, but one favorites is the focus on the garden and fall planting.
Fall is the ideal time to “Plant More Plants” as our Virginia Chesapeake Bay initiative encourages. Nature is cooperative with great conditions for both plants and humans. Planted in fall, shrubs, trees etc. can enjoy a long mild season to adjust before winter weather sets in. Once in the ground, they are busy putting roots down and getting acquainted with their new home. By the time next summer rolls around, they are more able to buck-up to the potential of nature’s punishing heat and drought.
I love all plants and would have one of everything if space and budget allowed. But I have to choose and get real, so I’ll focus on some of my favorites. Since we will be going into winter soon, here are some great plants to provide a special seasonal show.
No secret I love fragrant and aromatic plants and foliage.
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