Spring is here, and the garden frenzy is on! Planting new trees? Check out this sage advice and the many ways to kill a tree! The tree says: “please read this and follow the don’ts!” The do’s are coming up next…
This is a Virginia Cooperative Extension publication 430-210: http://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-210/430-210.html
Author: Bonnie Appleton, Extension Specialist, Hampton Roads AREC
Few residential trees die of “old age.” Mechanical damage and improper tree care kill more trees than any insects or diseases. Avoid making the tree-damaging mistakes shown in the diagram below. Few of these items alone would kill a tree, but multiple problems will certainly stress, and could eventually kill, a tree.
I post this in honor of the late Bonnie Appleton, whose contributions , teachings, and research of production and management strategies for the nursery, landscape, and arboriculture industries are extraordinary. Thank you Bonnie for you dedication and service!
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