No one purchases a tree at the nursery or garden center, hauls it home, plants it, and intends for it to die! Likewise, no one works on or around their landscape trees, young, adolescent, or old, with notions of causing potentially lethal damage. These care tips and pearls of gardening wisdom apply to trees of all ages. Follow these instructions and those in my next post… part 2.
This is a Virginia Cooperative Extension publication 430-210: http://pubs.ext.vt.edu/430/430-210/430-210.html Author: Bonnie Appleton, Extension Specialist, Hampton Roads AREC
I post this in honor of the late Bonnie Appleton, whose contributions , teachings, and research of production and management strategies for the nursery, landscape, and arboriculture industries are extraordinary. Thank you Bonnie for you dedication and service!
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