2017 is coming to a close. As another year passes by, it’s always a time to reflect and set goals for the next year, and commit to a few New Year resolutions. Or not…
What a trap!
Really, resolutions and goal setting are NOT always good ways to get off to a positive start in the new year!
Did it work last year?
Did it work the year before?
I can without hesitation answer for myself, no.
Unless I am consciously mindful as I approach the New Year, I can set myself up for big disappointments. Don’t get me wrong; goals are good, and needed. But I have to be careful. I can easily and perhaps unconsciously let it become a scenario where I judge myself too harshly and feel bad if I don’t meet some arbitrary mark I set for myself. Or worse, I miss a mark that someone has set for him or herself. The ultimate trap – trying somehow to be as good as, or better yet, better than your friend, neighbor, or colleague!
You get the picture, right?
One of the most powerful and meaningful things I did for myself in 2017 is commit to daily meditation. I am a long-term non-demoniational spiritual seeker, and as I call myself now, a spiritual finder. Meditation has been part of that process, but it was a loose commitment. There’s nothing wrong with that, but last year was different. And it is all due to the most odd of helpers – an online meditation app.
As 2018 rolls in, I make just one commitment – to continue my onward spiritual progress and progress, and to meditate daily. I believe this is the greatest gift I can give my self and you, because everything else flows from there!
You might ask, what does this have to do with interior and landscape design? Everything!
If your interested in learning more you can comment here, or send me an email.
I have been using the InsightTimer app for relaxing and clearing my mind before I go to sleep. It has so many different meditations that truly inspire and help. The flexibility is great. Since I never have two days that are the same, I like that I can select what I need each day. Thanks for introducing me to this app. Have a great New Year!
Your welcome Cindy! It has been a game changer for me too!
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