So… I’m back-tracking just a tad to talk once again about those darn New Year resolutions you might have made.
Every New Year, like clockwork, we’re bombarded with a barrage of marketing campaigns promising the miraculous. For starters — how about weight loss and fitness anyone? Or — how to look AND feel 20 years younger and generally be more beautiful? And, last but not least, finally get yourself organized! What are your favorites?
We heard you, so back off now!
Don’t know about you, but I personally need to focus on more important priorities – like flossing regularity, removing the lint from my navel, or my dryer lint catcher thingy. How about cleaning my ears with Q-tips on a daily basis? Tell me, who’s talking about those important initiatives?
By now you may be wondering about this post title. I’m getting there, I promise! But needed a little humor first…
Ok, it’s time to get serious!
Organization – that’s really my topic here, and it’s really the most do-able of any of those highly admirable resolutions. But, that’s easy for me to say; I’m very organized. That said, wrapping your mind around getting organized isn’t the task you may think!
Specifically, the organization I’m talking about is your thinking about design projects you may be trying to wrap your brain around. If you’re considering a project for your home or landscape – whether your dwelling is urban, suburban, or an alternative living style, it’s surprising, each project should ideally start in about the same way.
Graphic design credit: Interior Designer in Mumbai | image source: 2.bp.blogspot.com
Starting with a program — that is, the decisions and criteria that guide your project from start to finish. Such as:
Thoughtful answers to each of these questions will lead you to more questions and more answers, guiding you to your next steps, and the next questions. It can be daunting, but it is so much fun! It’s like a real life mystery, or a 1000 piece puzzle. Go for it!
Next, what’s your style?
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